***Forms and Cheques can be mailed or dropped off to: 335 Valley Springs Terrace NW, T3B 5P7***
Valley Ridge Soccer 2022 Outdoor Season
Name of Player:
Date of Birth: Gender: M F
Address (include postal code):
Division and Fees:
U4 (under 4): $75
U5 (under 5): $85 U6 (under 6): $85
U8 (under 8): $95 U10 (under 10): $95
(plus $35 VRCA 2022 membership fee/family – all payable to the VRCA)
Name of Parent:
Address (if different from above):
Contact Phone number:
Email address (mandatory):
Email communication is vital for the efficient processes of the Valley Ridge Community Association. Please pick one of the below options. (mandatory)
Yes, I want to receive email communication No, I am not interested in receiving emails from the VRCA
Volunteer Sign-up
Our organization is built on the commitment and dedication of volunteers. If everybody helps a little bit, we can run an excellent program.
To facilitate organization of the teams, we require co-coaches and team manager positions to be filled as soon as possible.
Please indicate if you would be interested in volunteering in one of these positions.
If you do not want to volunteer, please indicate below, and provide a $120 volunteer buyout fee. A volunteer deposit cheque will not be required. Your cheque will be cashed immediately.
All other volunteer positions will be selected on a first-come basis. A volunteer cheque for $120 will be required prior to the first soccer practice. Children will not be allowed to play until the volunteer deposit has been collected. These cheques will be destroyed if your volunteer commitment is fulfilled. For more information, contact: [email protected]
Soccer Volunteers:
Coach (U4 $20 Credit)
Coach (U5, U6, U8, U10 $30 Credit)
Team Manager (U4, U5, U6, U8, U10)
Jersey Coordinator (U4, U5, U6, U8, U10)
Community Cleanup (May 7)
Community Cleanup Coordinator (May 7)
End of Season BBQ (June 25)
BBQ Coordinator (June 25)
Volunteer buyout ($120 will be cashed immediately)
Items required for registration:
Manual Waiver Form(two copies – one for VRCA and one for your records, per family, not per child)
Completed Registration form (one per child)
One cheque – $35 for VRCA membership per family PLUS fee for soccer registration for each child
(depends on number of children and division).
Optional: $120 volunteer buyout – if you know you won’t be able to fulfill your volunteer
commitment, you can provide a $120 cheque at registration that will be cashed.
At the first practice, a cheque for $120 for volunteer deposit is required (will only be cashed if no
volunteer option is fulfilled; if volunteer option is fulfilled, cheque will be destroyed)
***Forms and Cheques can be mailed or dropped off to: 335 Valley Springs Terrace NW, T3B 5P7***
Admin use only: Fees collected: $__________ Credit applied: $_________Cheque or Cash