Welcome Package
Making our community accessible!
Are you new to Valley Ridge? Please read the following Welcome Package!
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
Surrounded by nature while only minutes from downtown, a variety of suburban
restaurants and shopping areas and the majestic Rocky Mountains. Congratulations on
making Valley Ridge your new home!
This welcome package is presented to you by the Valley Ridge Community Association
(VRCA). The information will help you become better acquainted with your new
neighbourhood by summarizing our community’s unique history and highlighting the
various community events, activities and services available to you.
As you’ll see throughout this information package, purchasing a Community Association
membership allows the VRCA to meet the needs of the residents and to create the best
community possible for all of us. Your membership helps to fund a number of activities
in Valley Ridge and provides support for initiatives and future services which help to
make Valley Ridge a wonderful place to live. A valid membership permits you/your
family to participate in recreational, social and educational programs and have a voice in
making our community the best it can be.
For more information and to purchase a membership online, please visit our website at
https://vrca.community/memberships/ or reach out to the Director of
Memberships at memberships@vrca.community.
A Bit About the History of Valley Ridge
The Valley Ridge area was formerly the site of Happy Valley Park which was located
outside of the City limits. Happy Valley was a year-round amusement park featuring golf,
indoor and outdoor swimming pools, trail rides, a ski hill and campground. It operated
from about 1961 to the late 1970’s.
In the late 1970’s Happy Valley Park was purchased by Tri-Media Studios Ltd. and was
renamed Valley Ridge Park. The Valley Ridge area was annexed to the City of Calgary
in January 1981 in response to a petition filed by Tri- Media Studios Ltd. In May 1982
Calgary City Council adopted the Valley Ridge Area Structure Plan (ASP) that allowed
for Tri-Media Studios’ development concept, plus a residential community, two golf
courses, and extensive natural open space amenities. Due to the economic downturn
in late 1982, this plan was never implemented. The Tri-Media lands subsequently
reverted to receivers, and in 1989 were acquired by Barbican Developments Ltd. of
Vancouver who later became Century Group.
Barbican’s Valley Ridge Concept Plan was submitted to the City in June 1990. The first
homes were built in the early 1990’s in Phase 1, Valley Ridge Green.
Valley Ridge Today
Valley Ridge is now fully built out and according to the 2019 Census there are 5,585
residents living in 1,940 dwellings. VR is now ringed with numerous large developments
in various stages of completion. Work on the West Calgary Ring Road (WCRR), the last
link in the City’s ring road, commenced in early 2019 and includes the full reconstruction
of the Valley Ridge Boulevard interchange. The WCRR is expected to be completed in
Resources and Services Available in Valley Ridge
The Valley Ridge Community Association (VRCA) works tirelessly with all levels of
government and local businesses to make our community a great place to live. Here’s a
summary of some of the resources and services that help make that a reality:
The Valley Breeze
The Valley Breeze (breeze@vrca.community) is the official newsletter for Valley Ridge
and the Valley Ridge Community Association. It is published and delivered to residents in
Valley Ridge, and our neighbours in the community of Crestmont, 12 times a year by
Canada Post. It can also be picked up at Valley Ridge Pharmacy or an electronic version
can be viewed at www.suburbanjournals.ca/current-issues. The Valley Breeze has a
classified section for local small businesses. To advertise in the classified section of the
Valley Breeze, a digital classified ad must be emailed to breezeads@vrca.community.
Fitness Park
Built in 2016, the outdoor fitness park has multiple pieces of fitness equipment available
all year round. Some of the equipment is designed for an upper body workout and others
for the lower body. There are signs to educate the user on the proper way to use the
Community Garden “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – Audrey
The Valley Ridge Community Garden is a beautiful green oasis in our community. We
welcome you to visit the garden, sit among the plants, and enjoy quiet time.
The community garden was built in 2012 by Valley Ridge residents to encourage novice
and seasoned gardeners to grow plants, knowledge and friendships. The community
garden consists of 31 raised garden boxes available for rent each year, a large herb plot,
four corner benches with flower boxes and a raised stage which faces the west. The
garden is located by the ice rink and main playground near Valley Meadow Close. The
garden boxes rent for $35/season. To rent a box, a VRCA membership of $35 is required.
Email garden@vrca.community if you have questions about our community garden.
The VRCA is pleased to offer a soccer league and a T-ball league. These events provide
young families an opportunity to come out and make new friends, meet old friends and
have fun! Contact sports@vrca.community for more information.
Outdoor Skating Rink and Sports Court
The sports court consists of durable, interlocking, plastic sports tiles. The tiles have a
perforated surface making the surface slip resistant by allowing water and dirt to flow
through as well as being more shock absorbing than ordinary concrete. The sports court
has 3 individual courts so that volleyball, basketball, badminton or pickleball can all be
going on at the same time. When temperatures drop below freezing, typically in
November, a dedicated group of volunteers build the outdoor ice skating surface over the
sports court. The skating rink is one of the premiere outdoor skating surfaces in the
Calgary area. The ice surface is approximately 35,000 square feet including a hockey
rink, skating oval, and a large “pond”. The skating oval surface goes around the outside
of the hockey rink and should be limited primarily to leisure skating. The hockey rink
contains 2 NHL regulation size hockey nets and is the only skating surface where
shooting and shinny should occur. The skating pond is in a large “L” shape and has
enough space for many skaters to enjoy a variety of skating activities. While casual
hockey play such as passing and stick handling is acceptable no shinny hockey or
shooting is allowed on the pond. The rink is equipped with an automated lighting system
in the evenings, and remains on until 11pm.
It takes a tremendous amount of volunteer work to build and maintain the ice each year
so we are always looking for help to lighten the load and increase the quality of the
facility. If you, or someone you know, would like to join our amazing team of volunteers,
please complete the “Volunteer Signup Form” located in the Facilities section of the
VRCA website or if you have any questions about our sport facilities contact
Events in the Garden
The VRCA coordinates a number of “Events in the Garden” including yoga and music
performances. These weekly events typically take place during spring and summer
months and are popular, well attended community favourites. Dates are communicated
through the Valley Breeze and families with a community association membership
receive advance notification.
Leaf Program Making our community beautiful!
The LEAF (Landscape Enhancement and Appreciation Fund) Committee leads the
Community’s Beautification Program. Updates are available during the spring, summer
and fall months in the Valley Breeze newsletter.
Residents pay a Special Tax Levy (the Beautification Levy) from the City of Calgary, which
is applied to all properties in Valley Ridge and is collected via Property Taxes.The current
charge for the LEAF program is $67.53/year. Inquiries can be emailed to
Annual Events
The community garage sale, family skate day and community BBQ are other examples of
favourite community events regularly organized by the VRCA. Similar to events in the
garden, dates are communicated in advance to families with a community association
membership and also through the Valley Breeze.
Local Businesses
The Plazebo is home to several small Valley Ridge businesses including a gas station
convenience store, liquor store, take-out pizzeria, restaurant and barber. There is also an
array of professional services including veterinary, pharmacy, physician, dentist,
accountant, chiropractor, and lawyers.
A current list of businesses can be found in each issue of the Valley Breeze.
Valley Ridge Golf Club is a semi-private 18-hole golf course which is open to the public.
Dining is available in Mulligans Lounge which is open daily in the summer and from
Wednesday to Saturday in the winter.
Off- Leash Areas
In 2020, Calgary Parks reviewed all the greenspace areas regarding a potential for an
off-leash area in Valley Ridge. Unfortunately, there is no suitable location in the
community. Once the Transportation Utility Corridor is built out, there may be
opportunity to look for space at that time. In the meantime, residents can search for the
closest off- leash area
Two joint use sites which are lands accessible to both school and non-school users (i.e.
community playing fields, playgrounds) have been provided for future schools in Valley
Ridge. However, there are no plans for construction at this time. Currently, students
from Valley Ridge are bussed to schools in other areas of the City.
Support Your Valley Ridge Community Association –
So We Can Support You!
Each household in Valley Ridge is encouraged to purchase an annual VRCA membership,
which is valid from January-December. Memberships are only $35 per year, per
household. As highlighted in this welcome package, membership goes a long way in
creating an amazing community!
Here’s a few highlights about the Valley Ridge Community Association:
Vision Statement
Valley Ridge, surrounded by nature, provides vibrant and peaceful community living
encouraging neighbourly pride and caring for residents of all ages.
Mission Statement
The Valley Ridge Community Association is an involved, dedicated volunteer
organization that represents the interests of the community and engages community
residents.The Valley Ridge Community Association endeavors to promote and enhance the quality
of life through:
-Advocacy for community planning and development, and
-Recreational and social opportunities.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting typically takes place in the fall of each year. The meeting
provides a great opportunity for residents to learn of the events of the past year, ask
questions of the VRCA Board of Directors, and discuss matters important to the
community. To vote at the Meeting, you must have a current VRCA membership.
Having Valley Ridge residents support the VRCA annually is key to keeping all the
outlined services and programs available to the community. To purchase your VRCA
Membership, please visit our website at https://vrca.community/memberships/ or
reach out to the Director of Memberships at memberships@vrca.community.
Alternatively, you may complete the following form, and mail it to address provided:
Board of Directors/Committee Contact Information
Valley Ridge Community Association (VRCA)
11743 Valley Ridge Blvd NW, Calgary, AB T3B
5Z9 (403) 695-7533
VRCA Website vrca.community
VRCA Facebook Valley Ridge Community Association
President president@vrca.community
Vice President vicepresident@vrca.community
Secretary secretary@vrca.community
Treasurer treasurer@vrca.community
Community Planning & Development planning@vrca.community
Communications & Community Relations communications@vrca.community
Community Events events@vrca.community
Sports Programs sports@vrca.community
Facilities facilities@vrca.community
Director-at-Large directoratlarge1@vrca.community
Director-at-Large directoratlarge2@vrca.community
Membership memberships@vrca.community
Editor: newsletter@vrca.community
Valley Breeze Classifieds: breezeads@vrca.community
VALLEY RIDGE LEAF COMMITTEE: leaf@vrca.community
Valley Ridge Community Garden: garden@vrca.community